


  • vi.


  • 双语释义

    1. [U][C]金额 a sum of money;a quantity of money
    2. [U][C]数量;数额 a quantity of sth
    1. vi. 合计,共计 add up to or total sth
    2. vi. 等同,接近 be equal to or equivalent of sth


    amount[ ə'maunt ]

    • n.
      • how much of something is available

        "an adequate amount of food for four people"

      • a quantity of money

        "the amount he had in cash was insufficient"

        同义词:sumsum of moneyamount of money

      • how much there is of something that you can quantify


      • a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers


    • v.
      • be tantamount or equivalent to

        "Her action amounted to a rebellion"

      • add up in number or quantity

        "The bills amounted to $2,000"

        同义词:totalnumberadd upcome

      • develop into

        "This idea will never amount to anything"

        同义词:comeadd up



    用作名词 (n.)
    • approach the amount of接近…数目
    • calculate the amount计算数量
    • credit an amount to sb's account把一笔款记入某人的账户
    • find the total amount算出总额
    • fix the amount确定数量
    • know a fair amount about对…了解很多
    • pay the amount due付到期的款项
    • reach a certain amount达到一定数量
    • subscribe the same amount认捐同样的数额
    • trim the amount削减金额
    • figure out the exact amount算出确切的数额
    • aggregate amount总额
    • ample amount富足的数量
    • annual amounts年度金额
    • any amount任何数量
    • approved amount核准的数额
    • approximate amount概算额
    • average amount平均数量
    • certain amount一定的数量
    • considerable amount相当数量
    • enormous amount巨大的数量
    • exact amount确切的数量
    • fixed amount固定金额
    • full amount总数,总共的量
    • generous amount大量
    • huge amount巨额
    • immense amount大量
    • large amount大量
    • like amount相同的量
    • maximum amount最大数量,最高额
    • minimum amount最低数量,最低额
    • moderate amount适量
    • net amount净数,净计
    • outstanding amount未付款额
    • paltry amount微不足道的数量
    • same amount同样的数额
    • small amount少量
    • sufficient amount足够的数量
    • surprising amount惊人的数量
    • tremendous amount极大的数量
    • above a certain amount超过一定数额
    • beyond this amount超过这个数目
    • in amount总之,总计
    • in large amounts大量的
    • more than £1000 in amount总额超过一千英镑
    • salary of this amount这个数目的薪金
    • to the amount of总计达
    • a considerable amount of memory work大量的记忆工作
    • a great amount of information大量资料
    • a large amount of baggage一大堆行李
    • a large amount of jobs大量的活儿
    • a large amount of work大量的工作
    • a moderate amount of traffic不算拥挤的交通
    • a proper amount of exercise and sleep适量的运动和睡眠
    • a small amount of thinner少量的稀释剂
    • a vast amount of大量的
    • a vast amount of Chinese products大量的中国产品
    • an amount of相当的,适量的
    • an amount of information一些信息
    • an amount of money一笔钱
    • an amount of time一段时间
    • an astronomical amount of money一笔天文数字的巨款
    • an immense amount of scattered data大量分散的资料
    • the amount of debts负债总额
    • the high amount of taxes高额税收
    • the large amount of police cars大批警车
    • amount in figures小写金额
    • amount in words大写金额


    large amount大量;巨额;大批

    a large amount of大量的(接不可数名词)

    small amount小额;小批量

    total amount总数;总价;总计

    a certain amount of一定数量的

    amount of information信息量

    to the amount of总数达;总计

    right amount适量

    a great amount of大量的;许多的;大部分的

    amount of work工作量

    an amount of数量;总量

    in the amount of总金额计…;金额为…

    any amount任何数量的

    significant amount大量;有实义金额;巨数

    full amount全额;总数,总共的量

    no amount of即使再大(或再多)的…(也不)

    maximum amount最高额

    amount of investment投资额;出资额

    trace amount痕量;微量

    any amount of adj. 任何数量的



    1. A petrol gauge shows the amount of petrol left in a car.
    2. He has a large amount of mail to answer every day.
    3. Remember to tell the guest the amount of the bill.
    4. We charge one percent commission on the total amount.
    1. The total cost of repairs amounted to 100 dollars.
    2. The number of the injured amounted to over one hundred.
    3. Her answer amounted to a complete refusal.
    4. This amounts to doing the whole thing over again.


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    上一篇:amount to much